do u feel the concept of golden hour is applicable to other disaster rescues as well? illustrate with example . also draft an attractive slogan on - the golden hour -highlighting its importance
Slogan: Let’s Use the Power of Golden Hour
Slogan: Golden Hour is the Power to Stop Traumas that Mar
Importance of Golden Hour
In the contemporary pace driven times when everyone is in hurry, accidents are bound to happen! With the number of road accidents increasing alarmingly, the safety measures have become indispensable. According to Road Accident Statistics India 1214 road crashes occur every day in India. 20 children under the age of 14 die every day due to road crashes in the country. One serious road accident in the country occurs every minute and 16 people die on Indian roads every hour.
Keeping in mind the shocking statistics, it becomes imperative to introduce measures that are not only preventive but remedial also. There must always be exigency plans ready to save as many lives as possible. Since India’s a vast country with almost largest number of population of humans and vehicles, it is but natural the roads will be much more crowded with the higher probability of accidents. Golden Hour implementation all across the nation may prove to be a viable option to save many lives in case of road accidents.
Let’s have a quick glimpse at what this Golden Hour concept is. Collins Dictionary defines Golden Hour as the first hour after a serious accident, when it is crucial that the victim receives medical treatment in order to have a chance of surviving.” The late Dr. R Adams Cowley pioneered promoting this concept, first in his capacity as a military surgeon and later as head of the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center. According to him "There is a golden hour between life and death. If you are critically injured you have less than 60 minutes to survive. You might not die right then; it may be three days or two weeks later — but something has happened in your body that is irreparable."
The concept of Golden Hour can be as applicable and life-saving in other disasters as well. For example earthquake, bomb explosions, building collapse, etc. During an earthquake or building collapse or explosion, there are many trauma cases in which the injuries are quite similar to road accident injuries. So Golden Hour medical care and first aid services can really save many lives.
Since so many lives are lost every day in our country owing to mishaps on roads and at times calamities such as earthquakes, bomb explosions, or building collapses. The Government must make the concept of Golden Hour universal throughout India. Schools and colleges must launch Golden Hour Concept training to students. Each and every child must be taught basic first aid techniques. The program must aim at equipping each Indian, especially students with the knowhow of first aid skills so that in emergency each man, woman, or youngster might provide the required life saving first aid service to the traumatized victim/s. Students can really prove to be very effective medium to utilize the concept of Golden Hour as they themselves are the victims of accidents the most. Being part of the Golden Hour program, not only they can save themselves from untoward happenings, but their friends and family members also.
Apart from popularizing the Golden Hour concept among the students, the State and Central government must install quick reaction paramedical centers with most advanced facilities and infrastructure at various spots along the highways. Keeping the preciousness of human life in mind, the Golden Hour concept must be made a law in our country. No loss can be bigger than the loss of human resource of a nation.
In conclusion I would like to say that the Golden Hour concept has the potential of solving the road rage woes on highly insecure roads in our country. We must adopt it; we must practice it.