Physics, asked by s6cshridhyeya16445, 2 months ago

do u like kite ?how would make it (100 to 120 words)


Answered by Kuku01


It is a way to ‘touch’ the sky, To be outside, feel the wind and weather, watch the effect of the invisible air, the motion of the sea, the seals, seagulls , pet dogs and talk with people.

flying kites crosses cultures, generations, age groups, social groups, and nations - on the kite field I regularly see a family from Uruguay of great grandmother, grandmother, mother and her twins all flying and enjoying themselves, I see parents and children of various cultures sharing a table, helping each other to make paper kites, at kite festivals I met people from Japan, Europe, USA, NZ, Singapore as well as other Australian States - we all ‘speak’ one language ( Kitish ) We say kites can be enjoyed from age 0 to 120.

Many nations have traditional kite festivals to bring in a planting season, or celebrate a child’s maturation. In Japan there is a kite battle across a river, with enormous size kites and dozens of people on each side pulling on the kite lines. Originally this festival was held so that the running to and fro on the river banks would tamp down the soil and make the banks more resistant to the effects of flooding.

there is a fascinating history to the invention and development of kites, from kites first use as ways to catch fish in the Pacific; kites of Chinese culture; western culture; experiments of Lawrence Hargraves leading to inspiration for the Wright brothers; kites for sea rescue; meteorology; war; entertainment; kites for boating, surfing, skiing; traction kites for large boats; kite assemblages for electricity generation.

By flying a kite you learn skills to do with adjusting the kite’s angle; judging which kite is best for given weather conditions; safety measures; importantly, how to avoid tangling one’s kite line. (Inevitably one learns to deal with the worst of tangles, too). And so you learn patience.

Many artists make kites their canvas. Painted, appliqued, asymmetric, rotating types abound.The range of kites is absolutely enormous from the miniatures, 1 cm to 9 cm long; whales kites of life size; trains of kites, 100s of kites long; single string fighting kites; kite battle displays; aerobatic kites of 2 or 4 strings, indoors and outdoors; kites for surfing and other sports; kites to carry cameras for Kite Serial Photography (KAP); and fun additions like ground displays of banners, bouncing fish, soccer balls and more.

Kites can be made from the simplest to the most sophisticated materials. To see a child making a kite and flying it is magical. Kite making teaches children, young and old (adults are still children really) about physical and manual skills, aeronautics, weather, culture, history, science of materials ( fabrics, spars, ropes), co-operation ( to avoid tangles with one’s neighbour and to help each other make kites; knot-tying ; line winches; safe anchoring of kites; how to get your kite up AND down; and is a great vehicle to talk about nature and threatened species. I use kites to talk about the balancing required by me to manage my diabetes.

And kite flying provides relaxation and exercise. It Is Fun.

? a lost whale and Easter bunny - courtesy Peter Lynn kites

Answered by Harshuarmy


Hey u don't reply me I told u can we be friends if no it's fine

btw Purple u always ...

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