do we need a professional manager?
mr .raghuram started has a small venture of steal melting unit 1996 in banglore nd later development it into an integrated plant by 2002 he was manging plan successfully and was the market leader in term of pricing as he was a low cost producer. in 2005 he son mr nithinsai after completing his mba joined him bussiness .
after the completion of two months mr nithin told his fathr and the dining table daddy it is the not way of doib=ng bussiness mr raghuram replied: ny dear son your wrong these it is not a just your theortical knowledge but also the long experience that course in bussiness
the mr.nithin explained to his father the losses in bussiness , starting from releasing a product with a plan and how the safe product idea was hajacked by jis competitors and also the in apporixmate organisation structure that release in low employee producivity he also pointed out that is father rate operating his concentrated for only work but not people and its conswqunce o low employee job satisfcation and moral.
mr raghuram felt very happy about his son anyalsis and asked him: my dear son you see still im sucessful . i have been earing profit mr nithin replied my dear father you have been much more profit and effiecent had you introuded professional management in your bussiness "let his better than never" let us work in the direction of tommrow onwards
these case indicates that todays bussiness requried professionalism and modern management techenquies to be competiton
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do we need a professional manager
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