do you agree with the view that the consumer protection act 1986 provide sufficient protection to consumer from exploitation in the Marketplace
yes, consumer protection act 1986 has provided sufficient protection to consumer from exploitation in the Marketplace:
This is because the Act has provided a machinery whereby consumers can file their complaints which will be entertained by the Consumer Forums with special powers so that action can be taken against erring suppliers and the possible compensation may be awarded to consumer for the hardships he has undergone. No court fee is required to be paid to these forums and there is no need to engage a lawyer to present the case
No, I disagree with the view that the "consumer protection act 1986" provide sufficient "protection to consumer" from "exploitation in the Marketplace".
• The act doesn’t consider the new changes that have occurred in the marketplace such as the advancement in technology including coming up of online delivery
• There is problem with implementation also as there is no authorisation to proceed against people who are violating this act
• There is problem with the administration as well which can be seen with the number of cases piling up with the consumer forum
• The amendment of the bill which covers several of its negative points has still not been passed