English, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

Do you believe in eternal life? ​


Answered by devpadippuravila




We are here for testing.

Testing missions are not supposed to be easy and comfortable.

The test questions are not supposed to be known in advance.

We have been asked to believe in God and Heaven but we have not seen God or heaven.

Our fate will be determined based on that belief and on our good deeds.

Answered by ayushbag03

I definitely believe that we are more than this flesh. Call it whatever you want. Consciousness, Spirit, Essence, Ghost.

There are just too many funky coincidences that happen daily,.Too many cases of things happening that have no explanation but I am aware that something supernatural is taking place at that moment. Too many times that I’ve personally experienced a connection to consciousness that is vast, benevolent and familial.

Collectively we seemingly have moved to moment in history that is saying the human family has discerned all the mysteries of existence. The religion of today is science. If anyone questions the theories of science they are branded as mindless idiots. A heretic. Someone that is to be deemed a pariah and mocked. Today the so called scientist are the clergy and any beliefs that do not subscribe to the dictate of these self appointed defenders of the new faith are to be eviscerated. Suddenly it’s not okay to ask questions or challenge conventional wisdom if it causes the structure of one of their precious theories to sway.

I am convinced beyond any doubt there is a Creator. And have many reasons for fostering that belief. I concluded that the Creator did not set a timer on the consciousness that He gave us all but rather a means for that consciousness to move to another dimension of existence.

Please do not think I am taking a anti-science stance. I or anyone would surely be certified morons to deny the extraordinary accomplishment of these brilliant minds that dedicate their lives to seeking the solutions to the problems that plague society. How can I not marvel at the intellectual magnificence of the hard working engineers who applied the knowledge taught in their university training and pushed the boundaries that ultimately placed a device in my hand that is a near quantum leap in communication? Healthcare, transportation, agriculture all have advanced at a dizzying pace thanks to science and its relentless drive to aide all mankind. I am simply pointing out that science (in general) makes little room for the spiritual side of mankind.

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