Biology, asked by rakshankmr, 1 year ago

Do you believe in evolution(that humans came from monkeys) or creationism(that god created us)? Why?
This is a serious question...I need valid reasons from your opinions....And I believe in Evolution. (^_^)


Answered by shahdev4648
See there is no simple answer to this.
As we know that the first creature was a unicellular, prokaryotic organism from where multicellular monkeys came i.e. evolution.
And eventually monkeys evolved into us..
But from where and how did the first organism came??
Science has no answer for say god..
"There are two faces of every coin"

rakshankmr: shahdev!! science knows where the first being came from....but bro I respect ur answer....thanks a lot!
Answered by Kimmus
Hey there!

I do believe in evolution.

⏩ Evolution was not a sudden process. Evolution of earth , evolution of flora ,fauna etc. took over millions of years. Organisms undergoes mutation , variation and several aspects that comprised this living world . Haven't you heard about the theories put forward by Charles Darwin? He was an evolutionist, he took his experiments and findings on an island called Galapagos . He noticed several species of animals and diversity in them. There by out forward several theories. Apart from Darwin's evolutionary theories and concepts, many others did come forward with their own theories regarding evolution.

⏩ Now to the main content, As if today, humans are evolved from primates. There are scientific proofs behind it. Let me remember you about some of your ancestors. Like, ‘‘ Dryopithecus ( This is considered as the common ancestor of man and chimpanzee ), Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthal man, Cromagnon ( Homo sapiens )’’. The above mentioned are considered as the ancestors of man. Later, man adapted certain advantages from these common ancestors like bipedal walk , developed brain , cultural growth , advanced weapons and all stuff that constitute this modern man.

⏩All those above mentioned facts regarding evolution of mankind was the fruit of perseverance of certain scientists, paleoanthropologists, evolutionists etc.


rakshankmr: hey!! thanks a lot....I too believe strongly in Darwinism!
Kimmus: That's great and you kinda asked a good question.
rakshankmr: Thanks...
kvnmurty: good one
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