Do you find it difficult to define the novel ? Give
a reasoned answer.
Novels are something that represents some characters and all those actions that take place in our every day life.
It is really difficult to define exactly the definition of novel due to its different shapes and forms .
Novel can be as long as a book in length and content and it can be as short as a newspaper that's why i think it is really hard to define a novel.
Defining a novel is sometimes difficult and sometimes not. It depends on the type of the novel.
It is required to have a different approach to read literature like novels, plays etc than reading a textbook. In literature like novel, the meaning of the story is implied rather than stating it directly. The reader have to have the sense of understanding the story of what the author is trying to say through the novel.
The stories that are organized and comprehensible are written by the writers those who have good level of sense. Actually the writers give some clues following to the meaning of the story of the literature like novel etc.
The stories of literature actually follows the events of the past - the flashbacks, organizations, tells from the different perspectives, any histirical event and so on.