English, asked by dilipdb1973, 2 months ago

do you have a pet? if not would you like to have one describe how you would Care for the pet​


Answered by bevina2110


We have 12 dogs and 3 cats. Our cats have access to food and water all the time and any other things they may need, they sleep with us and watch tv with us. All our dogs are working level dogs but they are also our pets. We spend most of the day outside with the dogs working with them and just spending time with them. When it comes to feeding them they get high quality dog food and we have connections to a meat science lab at a university, where we get all the scraps from the meat they don’t use. The dogs come inside some times, we only bring one in at a time and make sure the cats are put in a room if the dog doesn’t like them. Now when it comes to the veterinary part of things, my fiancé worked at vet clinics for a few years and was on track to do vet school, but opted for a different path, so she has lots of knowledge about dogs and cats. When we have any issues we contact our old vets in the city we lived in( we have their personal numbers because we trained their dogs) if we can’t contact them then we go to the multiple friends that we have that have either finished vet school or are in their last year. In total we have around 10 personal numbers for vets of different ages, knowledge and skills. We are also very well know at the vets around our new area for knowing exactly what they are saying and being able to have full conversations with them in medical terms( we have only been to the vet a hand full of times since we moved in November. Now when it comes to the birds, I don’t have a bird but. A good friend has a bird, he has a large cage for it that he keeps him in when he is gone but let’s him free roam the house when he is home. His bird and cat get along great( no the bird is 2 times bigger than the car so no worry about the cat getting it). He takes his bird on walks also.

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