Do you have any idea what u think scientists are good. Many want to be one. Explain its side effect to the environment.
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how the scientist has the major roles in the innovation and research areas they have to to live up with ideas that they have under the got the final finished product. so you had li e get focused to your personal life so it is dedicated to the highly passionate professionals
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यह सहावर आइडिया डाटा साइंटिस्ट अ गुड आई डोंट वांट टू बिकम अ साइंटिस्ट इट्स साइड इफेक्ट्स ऑफ एनवायरनमेंट एंड मेनी मेनी साइड इफेक्ट्स ऑफ द इन्वायरमेंट बिकॉज़ द द द द द
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