Do you know any stories about people who were lost in uninhabited places and were later rescued? Name them
Yes, following are the stories of different people, lost in uninhibited places and then were later found.
Story #1 : In the year of 2014, there was a man named Jose Salvador. He was found in the Marshall Islands. He was lost at sea on a small fishing boat, after which he drifted to an area on the island and stayed there for thirteen months. He went there in December 2012. After that he was found.
Story #2: In the year 2005 a group of five men went on a shark fishing trip and got lost at sea. They were from Mexico. Due to the winds they were pushed in another direction. They had to survive on their own for 10 months. Only three of them survived, Jesus ,Lucio and Salvador They were rescued by a Taiwanese trawler.
Robinson and his Swiss family
He had a wife and three children named Fritz, Ernest, Jack and Franz They lived on the island for 10 years on their own