English, asked by vamshirao5267, 1 year ago

Do you know any stories about people who were lost in uninhibited places and were later rescued ?Name them.


Answered by bbdbnjbbj

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Answered by ItzAshleshaMane


Yes, Captain Nemo, Gulliver, The family who survived on turtle blood while lost at sea for 38 days, etc.

Yes, Captain Nemo, Gulliver, The family who survived on turtle blood while lost at sea for 38 days, etc.The family who survived on turtle blood while lost at sea for 38 days

Yes, Captain Nemo, Gulliver, The family who survived on turtle blood while lost at sea for 38 days, etc.The family who survived on turtle blood while lost at sea for 38 days In 1971, the Robertson family boarded their yacht Lucette at Falmouth harbour, Cornwall to sail around the world. Eighteen months into the trip, they were 200 miles from the Galapagos islands when catastrophe struck. Their boat was hit by a pod of killer whales and destroyed within minutes. The family scrambled aboard a leaky raft and when that finally deflated 17 days later, they made for their dinghy, the Ednamair. There was only enough water for 10 days, and the only food on board consisted of a bag of onions, a tin of biscuits, 10 oranges, six lemons, and half a pound of glucose sweets. When that ran out, the family drank turtle blood to survive. The matriarch of the family, Lyn Robinson, was a nurse and devised a gruesome technique to keep them hydrated with rainwater collected in the boat. She knew the water, which was contaminated by a mix turtle blood and offal, would be poisonous if taken orally, and insisted her family take enemas using tubes from the rung of a ladder.


Hope it will help you..

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