English, asked by srk1883, 1 year ago

do you know storis from any epic or mythological poems​


Answered by 22kamiyagoel


here is your story of epic poem

there are 5 poems....

1. The Epic of Gilgamesh

It is not surprising that even the oldest known work of literature in the world is an epic poem written on the grandest of scales. Based on the actual Assyrian king, Gilgamesh confronts many of the themes that Homer will tackle in his epic poetry: the human/deity divide, mortality, seduction, legacy. As a young god-king in the poem, Gilgamesh’s arrogant practices trouble the populace until Enkidu, a wildman created by a goddess, challenges the monarch’s power. Although it was written about 4000 years ago, critics have argued that it is a particularly humanistic work, as the demi-gods’ desire adventure and pleasure over ruthless

2.The Homeric Poems – The Iliad

Few details are known about who Homer actually was, but the poet’s (or poets’) identity is surely peripheral compared to the impact these two texts have had on Western Civilization. Sparked by the taking of Helen from Sparta, the Greeks, lead by Achilles, advance towards Troy to destroy their adversary. While there is some involvement from the gods, it is again the human factor that is much more significant, as the leader’s fateful spar with Hector is both a celebration of military heroism and a mournful ode to the losses of battle. Many common phrases have their origin in this poem, including the hero’s vulnerable “Achilles’ Heel”, as well as the famous symbol of deception, “the trojan horse”, the receptacle used to bring the soldiers into the Trojan stronghold.

3. The Homeric Poems – The Odyssey (~800 BCE)

The Odyssey, on the other hand, follows the warrior Odysseus as he tries to find his way home from Troy across the Peloponnesian sea. Not only must he fend off the malevolence of gods and the seduction of Calypso, but he must also get home before the suitors coerce his wife into marriage. As the basis for countless works that have followed it, many of the narrative and poetic devices employed in the poem have gone on to influence what we now consider to be Western Literature.

4. The Mahabharata (350 BCE)

The great Indian epic is one of the longest pieces of literature of all time, but its exhausting length has not stopped it from being a pivotal literary text in the formation of Hindu identity. Narrated by the sage Vyasa, the 220,000 line poem follows a human incarnation of the god Vishnu as two dynasties fight for supremacy in the mythical Elephant City. Not only does the poem itself contain another seminal Hindu text, The Bhagavad Gita, but its panoramic view of everything from spirituality to morality have had an impact on Indian society for thousands of years.

5. Virgil – The Aeneid The Aeneid (19 BCE)

Written at the height of Emperor Augustus’s reign, The Aeneid soon became the great Roman epic, the creation story of what was at that time the most mighty empire in the world. Starting off where the Iliad ends, the poem describes Aeneas’ travel from Troy to Carthage, where he has a brief relationship with Queen Dido. After he abandons her, he travels to Italy to ward off enemies and found Rome. Although he is not as passionate as Dido (she commits suicide in heartbroken misery), his stoic attitude towards his national duty speaks to the nationalistic pride Augustus attempted to impart upon his people.

plz mark this as brainliest... :-)

Answered by ys30606q


There are many stories form the mythological poems



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