Do you know what type of monkey this is?

This is the lion-tailed macaque it is also known as Wanderoo, is an old world monkey normally found to the western Ghats of South India.
The hair of the lion-tailed macaque is black. It is outstanding characteristic is the silver white mane which surrounds the head from the cheeks down to its chin. This characteristic is normally used to identify the lion-tailed macaque. The hairless part of the face is dark in color.
The lion-tailed macaque lives in the rain-forest and spends most of its life in the upper canopy of the tropical moist evergreen forests. Unlike other macaque monkeys it avoids humans.
It is a territorial animal that normally lives in a hierarchical group of 10 to 20 animals.
This monkey is a Lion tailed macaque also known as wanderloo.
These are the smallest among all other types of Macaques and are on the verge of extinction. They are marked on the IUCN red list.
These maybe found in evergreen and semi evergreen monsoon forests. Endemic to India, they are found i the Western Ghats in South West.
They have a black shiny coat with a striking grey mane around the face.
They use as many as seventeen different vocalizations and also communicate with body language.