Do you like a nakshi kantja or an ordinary kantha? Why
thanks for the points.....
I like Nakshi Kantha because of the following reasons:
It is one of the oldest art forms.
It is easy to stitch.
We can embroidery on old clothes.
we can make different patterns and designs.
Nakshi Kanth is a type of traditional embroidery art form that is notable in Bangladesh and Eastern Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura, etc.
The word 'Nakshi Kantha' is derived from the Bengali word "Naksha" which means artistic patterns.
It is one of the oldest Bengali traditional art forms. Thread and old cloth are basic materials that are used in this Nakshi Kanth.
This traditional art form is most famous in Jamalpur, Bogra, Faridpur, etc. In this art form, colorful designs and patterns are stitched by doing embroidery.