English, asked by Gunjal71, 1 year ago

do you really need crackers ? (when are crackers burst - significance - harmful effects - solution ) 150 words compo


Answered by sjrahul12

Bursting of crackers leads to air pollution,noise pollution,land pollution,etc.They can give rise to accidents,if not handled carefully.They are a lot expensive too.It is not wise to burn money on crackers when people in our country are dying of hunger.There are a lot of small children working in these industries who have to handle a lot of poisonus stuff and are not paid very well too. I am strictly against crackers on diwali or any other occasion.
COME DIWALI and one can hear the sounds of firecrackers exploding from all directions. People of all age groups are fascinated with firecrackers, which form a prominent part of the Diwali celebrations. Firecrackers are known to cause air pollution as well as noise pollution and are extremely harmful for senior citizens and small children.
Pets such as dogs and cats also suffer on account of firecrackers as animals have a more sensitive sense of hearing than humans. It is important for each one of us to act as responsible citizens and discourage the use of firecrackers.
Firecrackers can cause hearing loss, high blood pressure, sleeping disturbances and sudden exposure to loud noise can cause temporary or permanent deafness or even result in heart attack. Nausea and mental impairment are also some of the side effects of firecrackers.
Firecrackers should be banned as they cause a number of health hazards. People come down with all sorts of respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis. Air and noise pollution are also the side effects of firecrackers that are responsible for various injuries. The smog that is created on Diwali is responsible for a number of accidents due to reduced visibility.”
According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), a non-profit organization, awareness should be created for the masses. People need to understand that bursting firecrackers is not trendy anymore. It is important for the government to organize anti-firecracker campaigns and discourage people from bursting firecrackers. Parents as well as children should be educated on the harmful effects of firecrackers and environmental laws should be implemented strictly.
The ‘sparkle, smoke and sound’ package of Diwali treats you to toxic chemicals, suspended particles and high noise levels. Chemicals spewed into the environment range from heavy metals like cadmium and lead to others like copper, manganese, zinc, sodium, magnesium and potassium. The suspended particles hang like a thick blanket reducing visibility and suffocating the atmosphere. Noise levels cross the threshold of human tolerance.

When we inhale air so polluted can ill effects be far behind? Irritation of the delicate lining of the airways and eyes, burning sensations in the nostrils, throat and chest congestion, coughing and smarting of the eyes are but few of the lesser serious implications. More serious conditions include aggravation of asthmatic attacks, allergies and chest infections in susceptible people, especially children and the elderly. Doctors report more cases of asthma in the period immediately following Diwali. In fact, pulmonologists say that fire works can provoke childhood bronchial asthma.

Fire is always a looming risk during Diwali. Fire accidents and Diwali go hand in hand. Each year there are many reports of burns and burning. What starts out as an evening of fun can quickly turn into a nightmare due to sheer carelessness and negligence.

 inhaling the noxious smoke can lead to problems in lung or central nervous system . Our ears can tolerate sound up to 60 db

Answered by SelieVisa


Adverse effects of bursting crackers.

Bursting crackers during festivals like Diwali and special occasions seems to have become a normal practice. The Supreme Court passed a verdict that only environmental friendly lightings or green crackers will be allowed. But people are ignoring both the law and the consequences of bursting crackers. Some of the harmful effects of crackers are given below.

  1. When bursting crackers, the smoke of hazardous gasses are released and pollute the air. Sulphur nitrates, magnesium, nitrogen dioxide are involved in the making of crackers. These are hazardous for our respiratory systems and cause respiratory diseases.
  2. Children are more vulnerable to the toxic substances of crackers and air pollution.
  3. During Diwali Festival excessive bursting of crackers results in thick smog in many cities. This last for several weeks and caused breathing problems to the people. Many are hospitalised. Road accidents occurred due to poor visibility because of air pollution. Many flights are cancelled.
  4. The levels of pollutants in the air increase to unprecedented levels in the air during firework displays.
  5. The hazardous pollutants of crackers cause the dead of birds and animals.
  6. Apart from the pollution of the air, crackers pollute our environment with noise pollution. Noise pollution causes irritation, headache and hearing impairment.
  7. cause serious ailments like asthma, lung cancer, shortness of breath, and many other diseases.
  8. A huge amount of money is spend on crackers. This all goes up in smoke uselessly. The money can be used used for positive humanitarian works.
  9. The conditions of people already suffering from respiratory problems get worsened.
  10. The bursting of crackers causes littering and make our environment unclean.
  11. The loud bursting sound can be traumatic to our pets and other animals.

Let us all say "No" to crackers. Together we can make a difference in keeping our environment healthy and safe.

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