do you think babar ali 's act of thoughtfulnessvhas has enable the poor children move towards growth?discuss
Answer:Author Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma is the Associate Creative Editor
of Youth Leader India, Magazine.
Explanation: In her interview with Babar Ali she
says that his thoughtfulness and initiative have indeed enabled the
poor and deprived children move towards growth. Babar Ali noticed
how most of his friends in his village had not received formal education.
Although children were provided with free education, the parents still
had to bear the cost of books and uniform, Instead of going to school most
of the boys worked as mechanics, day laborers, grass cutters live stock
herders whereas girls worked as maid servants, cooking, cleaning, and
washing clothes and dishes for their employers. So Babar Ali wanted to
bring about a change in their lives. Nasiruddin Sheikh, Babar’s father a
jute seller believed that education is man’s true religion. So he
supported his son to open a school and provided free meals for the poor
Babar Ali actually started his school Anand Shiksha Niketan when he
was nine. It grew out of a game. Babar Ali and his friends used to play
school-school with him as a teacher. As his friends had never
experienced school atmosphere they enjoyed playing as students. While
they played, his friends would end up learning arithmetic and this was
what led him to open his own institution, for his friends and other
children like them in his own village. Teaching in Ali’s school is taken
care of by high school student volunteers. According to Babar Ali
teaching learning process has become more effective as the generation
gap is less between the teacher and the students, and this is a big
advantage. Education is free and books are made available to the
students. Education has become accessible: affordable and has resulted
in all round development of these children. This basic education has
empowered these children to aspire for higher studies and thus has
opened the avenue for better jobs.
BABAR ALIBabar Ali is the youngest Headmaster in the world. His father's name isNasiruddin. Babar Ali runs the school in the family's backyard. It is adilapidated building with no roof and the students sit on the oor and learnthe lessons. Babar Ali is studying at !ossim Ba"aar Ra# $o%inda &undariidyapeeta. He teaches in his school in the e%enings. (here are nearly )**students in his school. Babar Ali's school started as a game. Later itde%eloped into a regular school. (ulu Rani Ha"ra rings the bell and alsobrings the students to his school. Now+ his school is recogni"ed by the statego%ernment of ,est Bengal. (here are other student teachers who areteaching with Babar Ali in his school. -any people and ocers are helpingfor mid day meal scheme of his school