Do you Think Brainly Should Introduce 3 Pointa for Reporring Spam Answers and 1 pointbfornreporring wrong Answer ! how many handsome Hunks ans Brailess Beauties will be back to HelpHand status and Remainnthere for ever ?
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Step-by-step explanation:
yes you are are right bro
but I won't become helping hand
coz I have given at least 60% Good answers if not more
but giving points for reporting still won t be a good idea coz who will check if an answer is correct or not
and spams like join for *** can be reported and points can be given to that
And some give answers like
................ ."
or just answer like "thanks for free points "without actually answering the question
thats really bad
but if point are given for reporting
even good answers will be reported just for points and also anyone can get rahis like ace just by reporting and not answering any question
this is my opinion
it can be wrong
but if you feel it is right then pls Mark me brainliest
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