English, asked by dangour254, 6 months ago

do you think hunger was a good motivation for seagul for his first flight
100 words​


Answered by urvashiraikwar2005


Yes, in this case, hunger was a great motivation for the young seagull. He was coward, full of fear. All the efforts of his parents had failed to coax him into flight. For 24 hours, no one went near him and he was almost faint with hunger. Finally, the mother flew near him with a scrap of food in her beak. Unable to resist, he plunged into the air to catch it and fell out. To save himself, he opened his wings, wind rushed to them and he found that he could fly.

Answered by zoyabaroudger0786

Answer: YES


YES, Because due to hunger over more than 24 hours maddedned the young seagull. And because of so much hunger he jumbed from the cliff to catch the piece of meat of fish which was in his mother beak.

And because of that his wings suddenly open and finally he took his first flight.

The biggest motivation to the young sea gull where its parents. they tried so hard to make him fly.the seagull really wanted to fly along with his brother and sister but he was afraid and lacked confidence. when the mother flew towards him with fish he was maddened by hunger and he forgot his lack of confidence and fear that's how he made his first flight.

hope this helped you....

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