do you think jon was rightly called captain turtle? give reason for your answer.
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This site was named ‘Captain Turtle’ for two reasons. This is because we often see turtles here. The second reason in that the owner of Le-Bar the restaurant behind our shop loves to dive this site and people sometimes call him Captain Turtle because of his love of the sea. If you get a chance ask him about the medallions that where on his bar at Sandy Ground! This is one of the writer’s favorite dives. The plateau has lots of places for Nurse Sharks to sleep so we always look for them when we are there. Soft coral fans lead the way to the drop-off. This dive can range anywhere from 20ft to 65ft. A nice easy dive that entertains the novice to the most experience diver
Yes I think jon rightly called the captain of turtle.
Because they live one month in water and one month in land