Social Sciences, asked by Mukesh5148, 9 months ago

Do you think our examination system helps in evaluating the true potential of students? Share your suggestions for how an ideal examination system should be.


Answered by nishantsaxena53


“Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.” – Edward de Bono

It’s not necessary that if somebody has knowledge, then he would also get good grades in the exams. Remember what Rancho from the movie 3 Idiots said? “Run after knowledge, and success is bound to knock at your doorsteps.” Well, unfortunately, life is not exactly how it is portrayed in the movies, where knowledge always leads to good marks. Practically speaking, a well-educated person will definitely have knowledge, but won’t necessarily have good results in the examinations. You may call the system flawed or whatever, but that’s the way it is. You need more than knowledge to have a good score in examinations.

The ability to apply the knowledge and skills learned within the confines of a classroom gives rise to a bigger question: how well-equipped our current examination system is for delivering it? Exams are supposed to test the intelligence of the students and work as a sieve for filtering out the intelligent minds by allotting marks. These ‘marks’ or ‘grades’ can be achieved by putting in hard work, practice and a well-directional methodology.

Why is the Grading System of Examinations Ineffective?  

Many so-called ‘intelligent’ students, as identified by the data emanating from various intelligence tests (which incidentally reinforce the expectations of the teachers very often), are not able to cope up with the question papers that trot out the same questions in a different garb. These papers allow for a little or sometimes no original thought, and even actively discourage creative thinking and logical responses. Simply stated, measuring the intelligence through examinations is, inevitably, as limited as the examination itself. Whilst it might prove to be a reasonable sieve, perhaps even the best one which we currently have right now, but it will fail to identify many of those whom we instinctively perceive as intelligent students.

The education system has this set pattern of exams partly due to the need to keep the entrance tests as objective as possible. It, therefore, removes any room for subjective judgment. When students solve a thousand problems every day, it is obvious that they’ll get similarly patterned questions in their main examination as well. So, they will crack the tests by the virtue of his habit, and not by their intellect or knowledge.

Why not consider the examples of our leading public figures who dropped out of school and still ended up in some really prominent positions in the public life? It clearly reflects that the traditional system of assessment was not capable of measuring their particular abilities, sense of purpose, work ethic, and creativity. We might then ask, are our schools guilty of promoting a passive form of intelligence by asking ‘what do you know’ rather than ‘what can you do’, simply because of the limitations of assessment? And we should definitely do this and analyse its answer.

But Exams Are Important Too, From The Knowledge Point Of View

But there is a positive side to the examinations as well. What will happen if the examinations are completely removed from the system and the evaluation mechanisms focus only on knowledge? The situation which we are talking about is the ideal one, according to which each and every student is inquisitive, is fond of studies and curious about learning new things. But if you see the reality, then we can understand that around 80-85% of the students from today’s generation do not study regularly, which is the proper way, and only do it just before the exams. Now, if we consider them in the equation, then it seems that they would not study anything if the exams will not be there. And what will be their future then? Hence, we can say that exams are the most important tools that help in maintaining ‘an appropriate level of knowledge’ among the average students. So, we can’t term the concept as a complete failure. It does have its pros.

Answered by Anonymous

Examination is defined as "Ability of student for checking skills, IQ, progress, physical fitness, knowledge, ability of understanding skills and knowledge in particular field". Examinations are conducted just for checking skills and Thinking abilities of students. But, The definition of Examination in India is Quite different. Indian students are today just like robots. Education system in India is poor. Indian school books only includes information, theories and concepts.

There are lot of differences between Indian education system and developed countries Education system. It is obvious that, Exams are conducted in every country for checking the students thinking capabilities, skills. Developed countries like Unites states, Unites kingdom, Germany, France, South Korea, Japan conducts examination for checking student's problem solving skills, IQ, progression and thinking capabilities. But in India, Examinations are conducted to know "How much information students can memorize in the examinations". In short, Indian institutes, schools colleges conducts exams for checking memorization power of students.

Only information, Theories, concepts are taught to Indian students. And, to check how much they can remember, exams are conducted. Indian students are just like machines. Because, they don't understand anything but they do everything. Today, there is no difference between Computers, robots and Indian students.

Examination system of India needs lots of improvement. Education system should be changed in such a way that, Every student should be able to understand the concept properly. Schools should show the practical of the theories and concepts that students have learnt. Practical knowledge is quite quicker and students can have the proper knowledge about any theory and concept.

Student in India have very low Problem solving capabilities which is not good for their own development as well as nation's development. Teaching should be done in such a way that, students should learn them properly. To increase problem solving capabilities of students, they should conduct examinations in which, there should be questions related to concepts they have learned.

India is country where the cheating happens the most. To avoid cheating in examinations, India should conducts it's High level examinations on computers. Instead of using pen paper, students will give their exams using keyboard and mouse.

Indian government should change their education system and adopt the education system like developed countries. Questions in examinations should be asked for checking student's problem solving abilities not for checking memorizing power. If the examination system and education system of India will be changed, then it will automatically make India developed country and rate of being unemployment will decrease.

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