Social Sciences, asked by anildhingra611, 8 months ago

Do you think our leaders should have taken a step-by-step universal adult franchise system like other countries​


Answered by vandanajha90667


Universal adult franchise states that the right to vote should be given to all adult citizens without discrimination of class, caste, colour, religion or gender. “Franchise” is derived from the French word “franc” which means “free.” The long struggles in the history of the world for this right to vote has paved the path for the present privileges that we enjoy in choosing our representatives.

1) First, Stating The Obvious, Right To Vote

People exercise authority through the representatives elected by them. These representatives then work in accordance with the wishes of people. This helps people to govern themselves through a government elected by them, leading to the establishment of a democracy. It gives us, citizens, the right to choose and make an informed decision about who we want to represent us.

2) Spirit Of Decolonisation

With the independence of India in 1947 and the preparation of the first draft of electoral roll on the basis of universal adult franchise, the country took its first step on the path of decolonisation. For India, who was ruled by Britishers for long, universal adult franchise was a strong step which required strong imagination and the will to execute. With this right onboard, India pushed through the boundaries of colonialism and gave birth to the largest democracy in the world.

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