do you think religions group should have a say in political affairs?why?
There are two ways to read this question and I’m not sure which way you mean. It turns out the answer to both is yes, and I’ll go over why.
If you meant: should individuals who affiliate with any particular religious group have a say in politics, then the answer is “yes” because it would be illegal to discriminate against their participation. The 1st Amendment ensures that.
If you meant: should religious organizations or their official representatives be allowed to have a say in political affairs, the answer is still yes because in this situation, a religion is no different than any other special interest group. To pull two random examples: politically, a church speaking out against gay marriage is no different than Every Town for Gun Safety speaking in favor of gun control. These are both private organizations who have a vested interest in the cause they speak out against or for.
As far as taxes are concerned, as long as churches don’t endorse a specific political party or candidate, they remain tax free. The same is true of a lot of non-profit organizations that campaign for political issues or specific laws.
Discriminating against a church is functionally no different than discriminating against Every Town for Gun Safety or MADD or pick your favorite special interest group. If you want to start opening that can of worms over who is and isn’t allowed to have a political opinion, then you’re in for a very long and messy battle. Spoiler: you won’t win.
Muskurane ki wajah tum ho
Gungunane ki wajah tum ho
Jiya jaaye na, jaaye na, jaaye na..
O re piya re..
Jiya jaaye na, jaaye na, jaaye na..
O re piya re..