Do you think setting goal is useful? How?
Setting Goal In Life : Setting goals is the most important thing you can do in your life. Without goal's you are going to have no direction, no ambition to be successful, no drive to stay in school, and trouble finding a career that will provide for you.
Setting goals makes you a better person. When you set a goal, you try your level best to attain it. You become determined and work harder so that you can reach the goal. Once you become determined to score the goal, you use your will power and your best efforts to achieve it. Hence you keep on improving yourself until you have reached the highest level of your efforts. This is how you improve yourself.
There is no specific age to set a goal. What is important is to be determined enough to work hard to achieve the goal that has been set. A child can set a goal to get a 'A' grade in his exam or to behave well for a week. A youth can set a goal to clear his boards with 10 grade points or to win a match that he is playing. As goals defer from person to person, they also change with the change in age of a person. A person might have set a goal to keep his room clean as a child, but his goal would change to getting a seat in the best college in the city when he grows up. Yet again, when he starts working, his goal might change to buying a house or a car.
While the process of goal setting is important because it helps unearth and identify what's truly important to you, pursuing your goals is the real money-maker (literally and figuratively) because it builds self-efficacy; it develops yourself as the type of person who can achieve goals