· Do you think that bureaucracy in India need to be revived? Justify giving proper arguments.
Answer: Yes, In my opinion, bureaucracy in India needs to be revived.
Arguments are mentioned below:
- Restructured the recruitment stage:
The structure of recruitment should be improved. The IAS and additional duties should begin enticing at a much youthful generation some of the best outputs of our impressive academic organizations.
-Train the recruits frequently:
Training should be supported extensively better, not as leisure time after an exasperating assessment or a pause from the rigors of field/office tasks. This problem can be dealt with by a committee of professionals solitary, with an understandable referendum.
-Sectoral arenas within widespread generalization:
Ineffective preference of the nuances and indications of available intentions restricts their capability to carry an attentive view and render the right advice to the Minister. This results in the holdup and clumsy decision-making thus, there is an important need for the arena in broad sectors.