Do you think that the digestive system of humans is similar to those of other animals? Where might you
see the most prominent differences, especially between humans and animals with different diets? Why?
Answer: No, digestive system of humans is not similar to those of other animals. For example, take a cow which have 4 stomachs and it is a herbivore while coming to humans we have 1 stomach and we are omnivores. And when you look out we even have tigers which are carnivores and only eat meat. In some cases we can even see digestive system of few frogs which use its eyes to push the food inside. When we go deeper we can observe that herbivores can even digest cellulose, when it comes to humans, we can't digest cellulose because we are lacking few enzymes which help in digesting cellulose. So by this I can conclude that the digestive system of humans is not similar to those of other animals.
No it is not the same.Take a cow which has 4 different parts of the stomach and it is a herbivore while coming to humans we have 1 stomach and we are omnivores. And when you look out we even have tigers which are carnivores and only eat meat. In some cases we can even see digestive system of few frogs which use its eyes to push the food inside.