Do you think that there is a need for mentioning Residuary powers separately ? why?
During the making of the constitution constituent assembly mentioned many powers and also the authority which will be exercising them. They thought that they cannot enumerate all the powers (which no one can even today) and what if any unmentioned power came into existence and needs to be exercised then who will exercise it? Then they came across a very good idea of residuary power i.e. if there is any power which is not mentioned in the constitution it will be termed as 'Residuary Power' and they mentioned the authority, generally higher one, who will be exercising it.
Complex modern governmental administration in a federal setup providing for distribution of legislative powers may rise such a situation that a subject of legislation may not squarely fall in any specific entry in the three Lists. In such a situation Parliament would have the power to legislate on the subject in the exercise of residuary powers under Article 248 and under Article 246(1) read with Entry 97 of List I.