Do you think the fairy brought happiness to everyone ? Why
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Ashley Poorun
Ashley Poorun
over 2 years ago
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. There is more wisdom and happiness in this short writing than a 300 pages book. Keep those writing coming
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The Fairy Tale Concept of Happiness — The Perception of a 22-year-old
Bjorn Vuylsteker
Bjorn Vuylsteker
Jul 29, 2017 · 7 min read
In all certainty, I am not one to be quick to write a piece reflecting my opinion on certain matters. I’d rather stay on the background and silently form my own opinion based on facts and research. However, with this particular topic, I don’t really feel like background research is at hand here. Everyone has their own opinion on what happiness is and what it means to them and others around them. To be honest, as a 22-year-old, I may not have gained enough life experience to touch on this topic. However, I think that maybe seeing things from my perspective could prove to be rather refreshing and you might reflect on your own opinion as to what happiness means to you. Actually, that is what I am trying to do with this article. I am not one to make a statement on how to be happy, but I am just trying to reflect on the things in life that bring me happiness and want to invoke a discussion on why you might think differently.