English, asked by ranisrinivas1974, 10 months ago

Do you think the inherent nature of a person can change with time and a good person can become a criminal??


Answered by perfect2003
Of course human nature can be changed, all life is change. Just as our bodies change while we grow from children to adults, our natures change along with it. How often did you have one opinion when you were a child, but as you grew older, learned more about the subject, were exposed to new way of thinking about that subject, your opinions grew and developed in different ways to give you a better understanding of it?

Not all opinions will change. As you learn more about a subject you may find new reasons to believe you were right about your initial opinion, you find reasons that you were not aware of before that strengthen the opinion, make even more sense of your initial opinion.

Human nature for the whole of humanity is the same as human nature for the individual. Some ways will change and some will remain the same. At one time, it was commonplace for children to be allowed to work in hazardous or dangerous working situations from very early ages. At the time, most people considered it the right of the parent to choose what happened with their child. As humanity has changed, has grown up in effect, there are few who would disagree, at this point, that children are to be protected from dangerous and hazardous situations, even if a parent does not agree. There are worldwide efforts to protect the children of all people, regardless of location. We have learned that they are too important to allow to work in mines and factories where their health and life is endangered, as was one time common.

This is a change is human nature. What was once common is now abhorred as inhumane.

There have been many more changes as humanity has “grown up” and civilizations have become more aware. Though there is still much work to be done by humanity, we are improving, we are steadily changing in minute but important ways. The first step is to see that a change is needed on a subject, another step is to become more aware of the options for that change, then to reason though the change needed, decide on the manner of the change and to begin to work toward making that change,etc.

Start small with one person at a time and them branch out to include family, friends, community and society at large. We must change and improve ourselves before we can change and improve the world.

Answered by ayush1191

yes, because it is because of friends if your friends are good you will be also good but if your friends are criminals you also can become criminal

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