Do you think the poet has taken the right decision of choosing the other path ? Why ? Why not ?
It is the question taken from "The Road not Taken" by Robert Frost. The poem expresses the feeling of poet who is confused between the two paths in his view.
One path is very busy and looks like everyne walks around it frequently. The another path is covered with yellow leaves like an autumn is approaching in it and no one travels it since years.
The poet is shown in dilemma whether to choose the one or the another.
He decided to walk along the second road which is not taken by any person. He wants to explore the things which came up in that path and experiencing difficulties that no one till now had faced. The poet does not want to go with the other path like a sheep in herd.
Meanwhile he is walking along the road, he found that it is not suited him at all but time passes and he can't go back and choose the other one.
I think the poet chooses the right path as he never knew what will be there in the future. Just to take a path and make that a successfuljourney is in the hands of the viistor only.
May be down the line, he is regrettting but he can make that yellow autumn road, the green one with practicising the patience and perseverance.
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