do yurt celebrate Christmas ?.
yes and no both
kk I can't say it tho
both yes and no
Let's start by dividing 100,489 by 2
100,489 ÷ 2 = 50,244.5 - This has a remainder. Let's try another prime number.
100,489 ÷ 3 = 33,496.3333 - This has a remainder. Let's try another prime number.
100,489 ÷ 5 = 20,097.8 - This has a remainder. Let's try another prime number.
Keep trying increasingly larger numbers until you find one that divides evenly.
100,489 ÷ 317 = 317 - No remainder! 317 is one of the factors!
317 ÷ 317 = 1 - No remainder! 317 is one of the factors!
The orange divisor(s) above are the prime factors of the number 100,489. If we put all of it together we have the factors 317 x 317 = 100,489. It can also be written in exponential form as 3172.
Factor Tree
Another way to do prime factorization is to use a factor tree. Below is a factor tree for the number 100,489.
Factor Arrows
317 317