Doctribe the step-by-step process
of resource distribution in a state
Distribution of material resources especially natural resources has become a subject of controversy after the 2G spectrum case. Therefore, this article mainly focuses on the recent trends in the distribution of natural resources under article 39(b) of the Constitution. Natural resources are legally owned by the state on behalf of the actual owner-the people. Accordingly, natural resources have to be distributed to best subserve the common good. Deviating from the earlier economic-centric approach i.e. shielding of nationalization measures and distribution by auction, the eco-centric approach is now, emphasized. Thus, the public trust doctrine is also been employed in the distribution of natural resources. After tracing the recent developments and a brief discussion on the distribution of biological resources, this article concludes that now the policy of distribution of natural resources may be out of judicial review, however, the method of distribution is not.
1. It is the responsibility of the state government to improve primary healthcare infrastructure. The
NITI Aayog, in collaboration with the World Bank and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has
released a Health Index in 2018. The index will help the central government to measure
improvement of a state in terms of its health infrastructure and would be linked to incentives under
the National Health Mission. As per a report, Kerala held the first rank in terms of overall
performance. Let us look at the healthcare processes adopted by the government of Kerala: • The
Directorate of Health Services, administered by the government of Kerala oversees the
establishment and maintenance of medical institutions with necessary infrastructure, control of
communicable diseases, rendering of family welfare services including maternal and child health
services, and implementation of national programmes for the control and eradication of diseases. •
Some of the community healthcare programmes already in place in Kerala are National Programme
for Control of Blindness, National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Programme, National Leprosy
Eradication Programme and Mental Health Programme. • The state has been able to initiate many
programmes that match the key performance areas financed by the National Rural Health Mission
(NRHM) and National Urban Health Mission (NUHM)—two branches of the National Health Mission.