English, asked by christhomasmammen, 1 year ago

does anyone answer the door when traveller knocks on the door a third time in the poem listerners


Answered by kashifmohiuddin06


The traveler feels very frustrated, as we can well imagine. He knocks at the door twice, yet still no one answers. All he can do is stand there outside the house "perplexed and still" as he waits for a response that never comes. In his own stillness, the traveler feels within his heart the stillness of the spirits inside the house, listening at the door, stirred and shaken by the insistent knocking.

Finally, the traveler gives up. He raps against the door one more time, shouting,

Tell them I came, and no one answered, That I kept my word.

Hope this helps you!!

Answered by naitikguptaggps7c


No one answer when traveller knocks on the door a third times

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