English, asked by nishaharijan242, 4 months ago

Does Aristotle include women under youth​


Answered by shyamalaesthete


Aristotle, Plato's student and colleague at the Academy in Athens, believed that women were fit only to be the subjects of male rule. Women have the deliberative part of the soul, he said, but it isn't sovereign in nature: they are born to be ruled by men in a constitutional sense, as citizens rule other citizens. Human beings are the union of body and soul, he said, and nature has designed the female body for one job: procreation and nurturing.

Answered by thanvi13


Current issues are now on the Chicago Journals website. Read the latest issue. Founded in 1890, Ethics publishes scholarly work in moral, political, and legal philosophy from a variety of intellectual perspectives, including social and political theory, law, and economics. In addition to major articles, Ethics also publishes review essays, discussion articles, and book reviews. The Editors welcome work that draws on more than one disciplinary approach, as well as contributions from outside the United States. Essays should avoid unnecessary technicality and strive to be accessible to the widest possible audience without sacrificing clarity and rigor. Ethics publishes both theory and the application of theory to contemporary moral issues. Historical essays are welcome, provided they have significant implications for contemporary theory.

Publisher Information

Since its origins in 1890 as one of the three main divisions of the University of Chicago, The University of Chicago Press has embraced as its mission the obligation to disseminate scholarship of the highest standard and to publish serious works that promote education, foster public understanding, and enrich cultural life. Today, the Journals Division publishes more than 70 journals and hardcover serials, in a wide range of academic disciplines, including the social sciences, the humanities, education, the biological and medical sciences, and the physical sciences.

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