Music, asked by kpopIdol216, 3 months ago

Does JYP allow trainees or Idol to travel? Does JYP allow to do part time job? Skin whitening or plastic surgery which one JYP will allow?After we passed in online audition what they do next? ​


Answered by random79

Of course they would allow the idols

But the trainees would get vacations maybe...

Plastic surgery and skin whitening...Maybe not, because, if they would do that and get discovered they will suffer a lot so the company won't allow it

I leave the last question to someone with more knowledge... ;-)

* the trainees can have part-time jobs

But the idols don't need them as they are gonna be rich anyway

Answered by unknown5236

Hey there!

I really don't think JYP allows their trainees to travel even if it is for important occasion like various festivals. But they might send you for Christmas tho but that might be hard because trainees work really really hard, they don't have time for vacations which might ruin their chances to debut cause the competition level is really high. One mistake you will lose your chance to debut. I also think that they might send you to home if you have family emergencies but only the important ones. They won't send you if there is a wedding XD

I think they allow skin whitening and plastic surgery but won't force you to have it (Unlike SM lol). But if they think you are too different or don't fit the K-Beauty standards (i.e Double lids, V-shaped jaw, small nose, thin lips, big eyes etc) they might tell you to have it (If its really necessary) But nowadays lot of idols have different types of face shapes so its not obligatory to have it. Idols also have monolids too. But if you are pretty then its fine! If you look asian then they won't dwell on it too much. Also JYP does Fat-shaming so try to be careful of your weight. And about skin whitening I think they will allow it. I mean look at 'Momo' and the colour difference between 'childhood her' and 'now her'. But it could also be due to skincare and stuff like that.

There are three stages of audition-

Homepage and mail submission → Individual notification of first successful applicants → Camera test and audition for personnel in charge → Final audition

If you the one which is really rare cause you have to compete amongst thousa.nds of other appli.cants then you will get a ca.ll back or from the compa.ny that you pas.sed the au.dition. You might have to do a vid.eo ca.ll with them before going to S. Kor.ea because they have to see you personality or the way you talk and carry yourself but I'm not sure about this one. Then you have to go to K.orea to do a indiv.idual audit.ion with the jud.ges and IF you that then you will have give a final au.dition to determine whether you are eli.gible to become a or not. Its really hard I know. Then you have to endle.ssly without a break with a unce.rtain Its not guarant.eed whether you will de.but or not. If you won't then all your hardwo.rk will go to wa.ste. And if they think you are good but not enough for the compa.ny itself then they might transfer you to a smaller com.pany. Also about the ti.ckets, it depends on the compa.ny whether they will pa.y for it or not. If they think you are really good or they can't let you go to waste then they might pa.y for it. Otherwise you will have to pa.y for it yourself but I doubt it tho. JYP might p.ay for it cause its a bi.g comp.any.                  

Hope this cleared something!! Hit me up if you have more questions!! Have a good day :D

P.S- Think twice before you do it. As much as the K-Po.p life looks good and glam.orous on the outside its really bad on the inside. You have to deal with ha.te everyday. You have to deal with a lot of pressure trying to be perfect. You have to be good at everything. You have to fulfil the audi.ence's des.ire. You have to smile everyday without showing anyone what you're going through inside. One mistake could ruin your ca.reer.

Just a gentle reminder from me :D

Please ignore the dots hehe I didn't know what was wrong with my answer >_<

Another thing! Its really hard to get successful in this industry. Only one in a thousand group gets to be famous. And you won't get paid just after you debut. You will have to pay the debt off which can go upto 500,000 USD or more.

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