Chemistry, asked by borsemachhindra3, 6 months ago

Does law of mas action apply on the following reaction
[Co(H20),12+ + 2 CI [Co(H20),CI,?​


Answered by farhaanaarif84


The law of mass action is universal, applicable under any circumstance. However, for reactions that are complete, the result may not be very useful. We introduce the mass action law by using a general chemical reaction equation in which reactants A and B react to give products C and D

Write the equilibrium constant expression for any reaction equation.

Heat is energy flowing from a high temperature object to a low temperature object. When the two objects are at the same temperature, there is no net flow of energy or heat. That is why a covered cup of coffee will not be colder than or warmer than the room temperature after it has been in there for a few hours. This phenomenon is known as equilibrium. In this example, we deal with the flow of energy.

Equilibria happen in phase transitions. For example, if the temperature in a system containing a mixture of ice and water is uniformly 273.15 K, the net amount of ice formed and melted will be zero. The amount of liquid water will also remain constant, if no vapor escapes from the system. In this case, three phases, ice (solid) water (liquid), and vapor (gas) are in equilibrium with one another. Similarly, equilibrium can also be established between the vapor phase and the liquid at a particular temperature. Equilibrium conditions also exist between solid phase and vapor phases. These are phase equilibria.

Chemical reactions may not be as complete as we have assumed in Stoichiometry calculations. For example, the following reactions are far short of completion.




Let us consider only the first reaction in this case. At room temperature, it is impossible to have pure NO2 or N2O4 . However, in a sealed tube (closed system), the ratio


is a constant. This phenomenon is known as chemical equilibrium. Such a law of nature is called the law of mass action or mass action law.

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