Political Science, asked by nachiketmahendran, 7 months ago

Does our country have a national language? Give reasons


Answered by jewel48848




First, let me tell you about national language and official language. Official language is the language used by government for its functioning, ie documents, orders, communication etc. Indian Constitution in part 17 allows English and Hindi both to be used as official languages for union government. States are at liberty to chose either hindi, english or any regional language for this purpose.

National language is a symbolic status that shows that particular nation respects this language. Most nations which have only one language have declared it national language. But India being a multilingual country hasn't yet announced any national language. Also, don't be confused, the anti-hindi protests in 60's were related to official language issue, not national language.

Now, why have I detailed about these two concepts? Just to make it clear that status of national language is purely symbolic and doesn't serve any practical purpose. Official language is what actually matters and can bring about any change, not national language. Even if you announce English (or for that matter, Hindi) as national language, it's not gonna change much on ground. People will continue to chose schools for their children based on career perception, continue to read whatever language newspaper they currently read, will talk in the language that currently talk in, government will continue to work with their current official language and so on. My point is, announcing any language as national language has no added benefits and won't change anything on ground.

But, just for the sake of argument, I don't believe English qualifies to be national language. Here are my arguments -

A national language, as the name suggests, must be understood by most of the people of nation. Barely a fraction of Indian population has efficient knowledge of English.

English doesn't have its traces in important national events, movements etc. During whole freedom struggle movement, Hindi was thought to be national language that can unite people against the British. Even leaders from South India like C. Rajgopalachari etc supported Hindi, not English.

National language must evoke sense of pride, belonging and nationalism. English, essentially bring a recent foreign language, can't do so.

National language can be the one in which culture of the nation is reflected. All the great literature, rites and rituals, historical accounts, mythology etc is in various Indian languages, not in English.

To sum up, I am personally of the view that we dont need any national language as it won't have any added benefits but can create discontent among other languages for being ‘non - national’. That said, english will continue to be important language at it presents career opportunities, opens up doors to world and so on

Answered by Anonymous


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