Does positronium have a stable crystalline phase?
This is a long shot, but while the 100YSS conference is going on at Houston, i haven't been able to get a grip on myself and think in other, more mundane and short-term rewards as normal people do. The main thing that has been taking up my mind is scalable ways to stabilize and store positronium in a way that the mass of storage device is negligible to the antimatter fuel
It is known that excited Ps atoms with high n (rydberg or rydberg-like) have estimated lifetimes of the order of years. Since positronium seems to be quite reactive (di and tri-positronium molecules have already been observed) I've been wondering if it could be possible to grow large crystals from positrons and electrons in a simple cubic lattice, where Na and Cl in the lattice being replaced by e+ and e−.