Does the number a recepator influence
the efficency of sense organs
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yes it influence
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Most sensory systems encode external signals into der slit-sense organ that allows electrophysiological
study at each stage of sensory signal encoding (Juusola action potentials for transmission to the central ner- et al., 1994; Juusola and French, 1995a, 1995b). The vous system, but little is known about the cost or cuticle of the spider, Cupiennius salei, has a large num- efficiency of this encoding. We measured the informa- ber of slit-sense organs, which respond to forces caus- tion capacity at three stages of encoding in the neu- ing strain in the cuticle (Barth, 1985). The anterior lyri- rons of a spider slit-sense mechanoreceptor organ. form organ VS-3 (nomenclature of Barth and Libera, For the receptor current under voltage clamp, the ca- 1970) is located on the anterior-ventral side of the leg pacity was z1400 bits/s, but when the neuron was
allowed to generate a receptor potential, nonlinear patella. It has seven to eight cuticular slits, ranging from
membrane processes improved the capacity to . 15–120 mm in length, each innervated by a pair of spin- 2000
dle-shaped bipolar neurons, which transduce strain- bits/s. Finally, when action potentials were produced, induced slit displacements into action potentials to be the capacity dropped to z200 bits/s, or z14% of the
carried to the central nervous system. The animal’s be- receptor current capacity. These measurements pro- havior and the locations of the slit-sense organs, e.g., vide a quantitative estimation of the cost of encoding on the anterior-ventral surface on the patella, suggest analog signals into action potentials. that the biologically relevant information is the dynamic
strain, which can reflect stepping patterns, substrate
vibrations, and muscular forces (Barth, 1985). Introduction
In the present study, we were able separately to obMechanoreceptor neurons usually transform a continu- serve the dynamics of the receptor current, receptor
potential, and action potentials in the same mechano- ously varying mechanical stimulus into trains of discrete receptor neuron during dynamic mechanical stimula- action potentials. This transformation has traditionally tion. Repeatedpresentations of the same long sequence been viewed as a three-stage process. First, the input of Gaussian pseudorandomly modulated displacement stimulus modulates the opening of mechanically sensi- stimuli allowed us to measure the information capacity tive ion channels, generating a transmembrane ion flux separately at each of the three stages of sensory encod- called thereceptor current. Second, the receptor current ing. While our results give a good indication of the costs passing through othermembrane conductances creates and efficiencies involved in these processes, they also a voltage across the membrane, the receptor potential. imply that a simple cascade model is inadequate for a Third, the receptor potential is encoded into action po- quantitative understanding of mechanotransduction. tentials by voltage-sensitive ion channels (Sachs, 1986;
Morris, 1990; French, 1992). Each of these stages may Results be expected to add noise and filter the transmitted signal. While the general properties of this cascade have Receptor Current, Receptor Potential, and Action been understood for many years, technical difficulties Potential Responses to the Same Stimuli and a lack of suitable preparations have so far prevented Recent advances in recording techniques with spider simultaneous observation of each stage in the same slit-sense organs (Figure 1) have made it possible to cell. record the receptor current, receptor potential, and ac- Sensory systems operate to optimize early neural pro- tion potential responses in the neurons while mechani- cessing, sothat sufficient information about thestimulus cally displacing the slits of the organ (Juusola et al., can be reliably transmitted to the CNS via the sub- 1994; Juusola and French, 1995a, 1995b; Figure 2). Each sequent noisy channels (van Hateren, 1992; Juusola et slit is innervated by two types of mechanosensory neu- al., 1995, 1996). One general strategy in such coding rons. “Multiple-spike” neurons respond to step dis- schemes is to obtain a high signal-to-noise ratio in the placements by producing an adapting burst of action responses that drive action potential production (Laugh- potentials, while “single-spike” neurons fire only one lin, 1987; Juusola et al., 1995; de Ruyter van Steveninck action potential (Juusola and French, 1995b). Because and Laughlin,
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