Does the poem, ‘The Road Not Taken’, symbolizes or reveals a meaning or aspect of freedom or responsibility ?
The poem reveals the complex nature of a seemingly simple decision. The narrator is conflicted as he thinks about which road to take. Even after some deliberation and the fact that usage “Had worn them really about the same,” he cannot help wondering, but then doubting “if I should ever come back”. He is even trying to convince himself that he has made the best choice as, when he looks back “Somewhere ages and ages hence”, he is sure that he will be able to say that he made the best choice and that it “has made all the difference”.
This poem highlights the fact that freedom (of choice in this instance) brings with it its own set of responsibilities. Hie poem also, perhaps, indicates the futility of over-thinking some situations. If, even trivial decisions require so much thought, how can anyone ever make life-changing decisions. Apparently for the narrator, this is life-changing. At least the choice is his to make.
The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost is a poem narrated by a lone traveler confronted with two roads, symbolizing the journey of life and the decisions we make on that journey. The narrator chose the path that was 'grassy and wanted wear,' which demonstrates the desire many of us have for individuality and adventure.