does the SUN is being increasing its by day ...taking dynamic
The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma,[18][19] heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core, radiating the energy mainly as visible light and infrared radiation. It is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth. Its diameter is about 1.39 million kilometres (864,000 miles), or 109 times that of Earth. Its mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth, and accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.[20] Roughly three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen (~73%); the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron.[21]
Astronomers estimate that the Sun's luminosity will increase by about 6% every billion years. This increase might seem slight, but it will render Earth inhospitable to life in about 1.1 billion years. The planet will be too hot to support life.
The sun is growing. And shrinking, and growing again. Every 11 years, the sun's radius oscillates by up to two kilometres, shrinking when its magnetic activity is high and expanding again as the activity decreases. We already know that the sun is not a static object