English, asked by Suraj1624, 5 months ago

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are a part of the family of toothed whalesthat includes orcas and pilot whales. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves. Dolphin coloration varies, but they are generally green colour with darker backs then the rest of their bodies. Dolphins consume a a variety of prey including fish, squid and crustaceans. It is difficult to estimate population numbers since there are many different species spanning a large geographic area. Like bats, Dolphins use echo location to navigate and hunt, bouncing high pitched sounds of objects, and listening for the echoes. Most species living shallow areas of tropical and temperate oceans throughout the world. 5 species live in the world rivers. Dolphins are well known for their agility and playful behavior, making them a favorite of wildlife watchers. Many species will leap out of the water, spy hop and follow ships, often synchronising their movements with one another. Scientists believe that Dolphins conserve energy by swimming alongside ships , a practice known as bow-riding. write a notemaking on the paragraph​


Answered by chandrikameda


Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed whales that includes orcas and pilot whales.

They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. Dolphin coloration varies, but they are generally gray in color with darker backs than the rest of their bodies.

As climate change causes the seas and oceans to warm, dolphins are being seen more frequently in colder waters outside their historic ranges. Due to rapidly rising ocean temperatures, dolphins’ primary food sources are seeking deeper, cooler waters. Scientists are concerned that dolphins will have difficulty adapting as quickly as necessary to find new feeding grounds to sustain their populations. Some dolphins that live in areas where rivers and oceans meet, known as brackish waters, are also losing habitat as ocean levels rise due to global warming.

Defenders' Impact

Defenders fights any attempt to weaken the Marine Mammal Protection Act and all the protections it affords marine mammals like dolphins.

Defenders serves as a conservation member of the Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Team, a stakeholder group convened under the MMPA to advise the National Marine Fisheries Service on how to reduce fisheries bycatch of this species. We are currently litigating to challenge seismic blasting in the Atlantic Ocean that risks harming and killing thousands of dolphins.

We are also opposing offshore oil and gas development in the Arctic and Atlantic, and working to promote wildlife- and whale-friendly best management practices for offshore wind siting and development.

Answered by pranavi43


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