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1 (b) if the is no fertilization the endometerim will break and under go cyclic change
4 oviduct is the place where the fusion of male sperm and ova happen.
ovary produce the female gamete or the ova or egg
uterus is inverted pear shaped place where the zygote is is placed after fusion
Scrotum produce sprem at temperature of 2 to 3c lower than body temperature that's why it is situatiwd outside of the body
if there is no fertilization.
The màin pàrts of a plant include :
- Roots
- Stem
- Leaves
- Flowers
- Fruits
⟹... Roots :-
Roots are the most important and underground part of a plant, which are collectively called the root system. They are the major pàrt that anchors the plant firmly in the soil. They absorb water and minerals from the soil, synthesise plant growth regulators, and stóre reserve food material. The apical part of the root is covered by the root cap that protects the root apex.
⟹.... Stem :-
The stem is the pàrt of the plant which is found above the ground. The bark of trees are brown in colour and younger stems are green in colour. It forms the basis of the shoot system and bears leaves, fruits and flowers. The region where the leaves arise is known as the node and the region between the nodes is known as the internode.
⟹... Leaves :-
Leaves are the most important pàrt of a plant. They contain chlorophyll that helps the plants to prepare their food using sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. A leaf consists of three main pàrts- petiole, leaf base and lamina.
Pollen tube formation is important for ßexual repróduction to occur in seed plants. ... Pollen tubes act as conduits to transport the male gamete cells from the pollen grain—either from the stigma (in flowering plants) to the ovules at the base of the pistil or directly through ovule tissue in some gymnosperms.
a) oviduct :-
It is in the uterine tubes that fertilîzation of the oocyte by spermatozoa occurs. The zygote then travels down the uterine tube to the úterus, where implantation takes place.
b) ovary :-
They ßecrete hormones, they protect the eggs a female is born with and they release eggs for possible fertilization.
c) uterus :-
The main function of the uterus is to nourish the developing fetus prior to birth.
d) scrotum :-
The bag of skin that holds and helps to protect the testicles.
e) epididymis :-
The most obvious function of the epididymis is to transport sperm from the rete testes to the vas deferens.
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