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because when the water reaches 0 degrees it freezes as it is very low degree so it converts into ice at 0 degrees
hope it helps you...
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QuestioN :
Why does water convert into ice when Cooled to 0°C ?
ANswer :
→ Molecules are constantly moving because they have energy. In a liquid form, water molecules have more energy than in a solid – they move around quickly, essentially bouncing off of one another.
→As the liquid cools down, the amount of potential energy is reduced and the molecules start to move slower.
→When the water temperature reaches around 0°C, the molecules stick together and form a solid – ice.
→There is one more thing needed for water to turn into ice – a crystal-seed. This is a small impurity from which an ice crystal will grow.
→The impurity may be another particle in the water, or it may be caused by the container that holds the water.
→This is why not all water freezes at 0°C. Under some conditions, water can get as cold as -40°C – a process called supercooling.
→This occurs in completely pure water and usually in a very smooth container.
→So water turning into ice is not as straight forward as just getting cold.
→Other things also affect water freezing, including dissolved solids, water density, pressure and movement (such as currents).
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Hope this will help you :-)