English, asked by AnuDongre43, 8 months ago

Down the Street with laughter and shout,

Glad in the freedom of „school let out‟

came happy boys, like a flock of sheep,

Hailing the snow piled white and deep;

Past the woman, so old and gray,

Hastened the children on their way.

None offered a helping hand to her,

so weak and timid, of raid to stir,

Lest the carriage wheels or the horses‟ feet.

Should trample her dawn in the

Slippery street.

At last came out of the merry troop

The gayest boy of all group;

He paused beside her and whispered low.

„I‟ll help you, across, if you wish to go.


Answered by nupeshjangid9024


My self nupesh Jangid life coach network marketing trainer

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