English, asked by mirmuntaha93, 9 months ago

downfall of ummayads


Answered by Abhinav78036

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Answered by Anonymous


The reasons of the downfall of Banu Umayyad’s Dynasty: .....

1. One Man Leadership:

The main cause of the downfall of the Umayyads dynasty was the one man leadership instead of Islamic caliphate. Though Muawiya was the founder of this dynasty, he was the companion of the prophet (pbuh) and an observer of the era of Prophet (pbuh) that’s why in spite of the innovator of monarchial absolutism he tried to establish Islamic traditions and Sharia rulings but his successors could not continue the tradition set by him. So after Muawiya Umayyads government became totally a monarch and slowly and gradually it filled with all the vices of monarchial system. Bait al Mall became the private property and its generated income was expended on the caliphs instead of the welfare and wellbeing of the nation. Including all these vices when cruelty and tyranny cross all its limits, the hatred increased in the nation against them and they became offensive. Due to this opposition Umayyad’s dynasty became ended. Umer bin Abdul-Aziz tried to reform and renew the condition in his period but soon after him the same Un Islamic and non Shari system prevailed. Monarchial system could not create any place in the hearts of the people.

2. Ineligible Rulers:

Banu Umayyad’s government system was Monarchial. The stability of this type of government is based on the main political system. People like Amir Muawiya, Abdul Malik, waleed I and Hisham was very wise, thoughtful and brave leaders and due to their political vision their government was strong and stable and they stretched the boundaries of their reign Turkistan and Andalusia. Contrary to it their successors like Waleed II, Yazid II, and Yazid III, were not only ineligible but also without any political vision. They remained busy all the time in marry making, living luxurious life, enjoying music and dance. This life style also attracts their governors and they follow the trend. By this the political system was destroyed and their war disorder and anarchy in the state which resulted in the downfall of the Umayyads.

3. Absence of Definite Law of Succession:

In the Umayyads era, although the government was confined to one family but the proper rules and regulations of succession were absent in them. In Marwan I’s reign people nominated two two successors at a time. In result circumstances became worst then ever and the first nominee conspired against the second and tries to snatch all the powers from him. It causes great anarchy in the royal family which also affects the whole government system. Governors also divided in groups. Every new ruler tries to take revenge from his enemies. Like Salman, who after sitting on the throne of authority take revenge from the conquerors of his predecessor’s time, named Waleed because they were against him. It not only negatively effects the government but also to Arab nation bears a lot of turmoil.

4. The disgrace of the political members:

Governors, Army leaders and parliament members whose political vision and abilities was responsible for the prosperity, progress and establishment of Umayyads were disgraced and maltreated by Umayyad rulers. Salman disgrace Musa Bin Nusayr who was a great conqueror. These types of acts created nihilism in the governors and the spirit of loyalty and faithfulness for the government was ended in them.

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