Downward filteration theory defination
During the British rule in India, the downwards filtration theory was adopted in the country. Filtration means coming of something to the bottom from the top. Thus the filtration theory in education meant coming down of education or knowledge from the top to the bottom i.e. from the higher class people to the lower classes or the general people.
There were many reasons for adopting this policy. Different
views have been expressed about this policy some people think that this policy was adopted because of the narrow-mindedness and selfish attitudes of the English who intended to educate only a
few for getting clerks for running their administration and this group
in turn would influence the general public for accepting the British
rule in the country. In fact, according to some persons the main
reason for adopting this policy was the meagre financial resources
with the company for educational purposes. The company thought
that it could not provide education to entire mass. So it decided to
educate only a few. But this few were the people of higher classes
because they alone could catch up the opportunity for English
Meaning of Downward Filtration Theory: