Draft a notice as sunil singh secretary of Lion's club, dwaka to inform all the members about a diwali mela and sale of items in not more ethat 50 words
Date: 08.10.2019
Lion's club, Dwaka
Diwali Mela on Rabindra Ground
It is here by notified that Diwali Fair will be held in Rabindra Ground from 12th to 14th October, 2019. Many kinds of crackers will be sold there.
So, you all are requested to enlist their name who want to give stall in the fair. The duration of the event is 3p.m. to 8p.m.
Sunil Singh
Secretary of Lion's Club
(N.B. :- A notice is always written within a box.)
Lion's Club, Dwarka
Diwali Mela 2019
This is to inform all the members that this year's Diwali Sale will be held from 24th October 2019 to 4th November 2019, 5pm to 9pm, at Green Park. The following items are permitted to be put up for sale :-
- Fountains, Ground Spinners
- Sparklers (Silver and Coloured)
- Poppers, Snaps, Snakes
- Rockets
- Paper Lanterns
- Food Stalls
For details regarding stall tariff, duty list, and other event-related queries, please contact the undersigned.
Sunil Singh
Lion's Club, Dwarka