English, asked by biswashree5009, 1 year ago

Draft a report in about 200 word for an English news paper on campus I did opli during college election in your distric


Answered by harshitasihag


Under the College and Institutes Act, a student is defined as:

"a person the Registrar recognizes to be enrolled and in good standing in a course or program of studies at the institution"

Note: Student candidates must be currently enrolled at the college campus they are campaigning to represent.


Each nominee must complete an official nomination form. Each nomination must be supported by 10 eligible voters within the constituent group.

Eligibility to be nominated and to cosign a nomination will be validated from an authorized voter list compiled by the Registrar.

Nominations must be submitted within a specified period of time to be determined and publicized by the Registrar. Nominations received after this deadline will not be considered.

Nominations and elections of new members will occur in the Winter semester and be completed no later than April 15. New members assume office as of September 1.


Prospective nominees may not campaign until the Registrar has designated them as an official nominee.

Nominees may spend no more than $250 in direct campaign expenses. Candidates will be required to provide a written report of campaign expenses with attached receipts.

Each nominee will provide a 250-word statement of their views to the Registrar. This statement, along with the statements of other candidates, will be posted on the Douglas College Website.

Nominees must cease campaigning and all campaign materials except the campaign platforms must be removed not less than ten hours prior to the opening of the election. The Registrar will be responsible for monitoring compliance with this regulation.


All students who are registered in one credit course at the time of the election are eligible to vote. For the purpose of nominations, all students who are registered in one credit course at the time of the call for nomination are eligible for nomination. During the term of office, a student member of the College Board must

Answered by patrajogesh64


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