Draft an advertisement in a local newspaper in about 50wordd looking for a Bride.
Draft an advertisement in a local newspaper in about 50wordd looking for a Bride
India is the seventh largest and second most populous country of the world is a profe
continent in the world. It has one of the oldest Civilizations. It is separated from the
The great Himalayas together with the Arabian Sea. Indian Ocean and Bay of Bogel
Geographical shape. India has been constantly making efforts to keep good relations
neighbours such as Pakistan Sri Lanka Nepal China Bhutan Myanmar
People were happy at the prospect. They never realised how tired they were of seeing the deodar tree until the axe began to chop it down. How nice that a talkies was coming up in its place! Truly Gulabi's head was screwed on right.
Not that everyone felt happy. There was no dearth of older people who thought that watching the cinema would spoil the entire town, especially the women. But whose rule prevails when the town begins to grow? If one listened to such talk this town would still have been in the forest. 'When the wealthy women are giving birth, who will care for the creature the midwife is bringing to birth in the forest?' These words of the daasas would not have been uttered then.".