Draw a bar graph depicting the potential of generation of the energy in any two-seven states of India.
I take question as a question from the subject of social science or environmental sciences.
So I provide the data here.
India Energy generation Potentials:
Wind energy : 302 GW. Solar : 750 GW
Biomass: 25 GW small Hydro: 20 GW
Andhra Pradesh:
Wind Power potential: 13,000 MW
Solar: 5.0 kWh/sq m /day
Energy saving potential: 25% Energy saving is as good as produced
Wind: 9.4 GW Hydro: 730 MW Biogas (all) : 2.2 GW
Energy from waste : 630MW
Haryana :
Solar power: 5 GW.... Biogas : 1.6 GW
Small Hydro : 100 MW Energy from Waste: 25 MW Wind : 100 MW
Energy saving potential : 20-25%
Telangana :
Solar: 5 GW Wind: 20GW Biomass: 2.5GW
Others : 5GW
total: 33GW Renewable energy (Non Conventional energy)
Karnataka :
Wind: 7.8 GW Hydro: 1.5GW Solar : 5.6 GW
Bio mass: 250 MW. Total : 15 GW